Hi there!
My name is Timo Parker and I am a professional musician and vocal coach. Shortly after I started learning to play the guitar at the age of 16, I discovered my true passion for singing. Ever since, I have been involved in many different music projects such as Choirs, Big Bands and Rock/Pop Bands. Which has given me the opportunity to explore my voice in many different musical environments and styles.
I got my bachelor’s degree in Music at the Jazz-Institute Berlin, but it was truly through my private vocal coaching lessons, that I really learned how to use my voice to its fullest potential.
In 2023, I decided to start a YouTube channel called “Timo Parker” where I share information about Anatomical Voice Training, Music Theory and where I can showcase my approach to singing.
My goal is to guide and inspire as many people as possible around the world. Helping them to find or rediscover the joy of singing. While building a strong and healthy voice that lasts for a life time.
I’m convinced that with the right training…
Everybody is born to be a singer!

The Technique
There is no other musical instrument, that I know of, with more controversy and misconceptions than the voice. After years of searching for the ideal technique and the right vocal coach for me, I luckily found what I was looking for.
Someone who could help me building a strong and healthy voice, with a clear anatomical approach that would guarantee success. I knew then, I had found something really special, as my mentors were the living example of who I wanted to become as a singer.
Through Anatomical Voice Training, I was able to completely eliminate hoarseness, increase my vocal range dramatically and achieve an astonishing flexibility in my voice tone. As the name already suggests, Anatomical Voice Training uses the anatomy in your larynx as a base for specific isolated muscle training in order to make continuous progress in your voice.
The focus of this technique is to stay injury free by avoiding hoarseness or soreness in your throat at all cost. While expanding your vocal range to 4 octaves and widening the range of colour options in your voice.
Building a strong and healthy voice will always be the main priority in my training, so your voice can be a loyal companion for the rest of your life. Not to mention, that this training will also benefit your speaking voice greatly, by giving it more volume, clarity and a warmer timbre.
Voice anatomy is often overlooked but it is absolutely essential to gain a deeper understanding of your instrument. It makes you more self reliant and gives you the opportunity to spot potential mistakes down the road.
Just like training any other muscle in your body, growing your voice will take time. In my experience, it takes an average of 5 years of dedicated and structured training, to build an exceptional, well rounded singing voice. I’m talking at an elite/professional level.
But my aim is that you have fun and enjoy singing from the beginning. So that you are able to combine your passion for music, with the joy of singing from day one. Because this is the key for a long and successful singing career.